Got a tight space? Hang up to 30 plants in a small space. These tiered planters stack well, but also look great individually too.
Each planter ring holds 6 standard 2" pots that are great for many types of unusual succulent plants. Each pot is tilted out slightly to catch the light better while not getting in the way of the others.
The tiers are free to rotate on their own, creating a kinetic sculpture of moving parts. The pots rest in each slot, but are easily removed to tend to the plants as needed. It's also a great way to start seeds and cuttings too!
Choose from 2 options: The basic kit includes all the necessary parts needed to build 1 tier. You can stack them by adding more! The Deluxe kit includes all that, plus a set of seed pods and herb starter pack to get your garden off to a good start!
Each kit is 1 Tier, made up of a handful of lasercut wood parts designed to snap together for a strong, sturdy platform you can garden with.
These kits come with 6 pots (one for each side of the hexagon.) You can choose from what is seasonally available from the drop-down menu (Clay Pots or Galvanized Tin buckets). The wood comes natural, untreated.. but needs to be finished for extended use in the elements. Paint or stain would be perfect for the blond birch. Each tier comes with an eye hook that bolts in for strength.
Overall, the planter tiers entend out 12" wide (circle diameter) and about 6" tall.