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Bird Feeder, Craftsman Prairie Style Wooden 3D puzzle kit and lantern. DIY design you build!
Bird Feeder, Craftsman Prairie Style Wooden 3D puzzle kit and lantern. DIY design you build!
Bird Feeder, Craftsman Prairie Style Wooden 3D puzzle kit and lantern. DIY design you build!
Bird Feeder, Craftsman Prairie Style Wooden 3D puzzle kit and lantern. DIY design you build!
Bird Feeder, Craftsman Prairie Style Wooden 3D puzzle kit and lantern. DIY design you build!
Bird Feeder, Craftsman Prairie Style Wooden 3D puzzle kit and lantern. DIY design you build!
Bird Feeder, Craftsman Prairie Style Wooden 3D puzzle kit and lantern. DIY design you build!
Bird Feeder, Craftsman Prairie Style Wooden 3D puzzle kit and lantern. DIY design you build!

Bird Feeder, Craftsman Prairie Style Wooden 3D puzzle kit and lantern. DIY design you build!

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Our Craftsman style bird feeder brings all the birds to the yard! 😋 If you're looking for a unique gift idea, this timeless bird feeder is a fun project to build and enjoy for all ages! Mothers love it, fathers love it, and kids love giving them as gifts.

Time and time again we hear from our customers how much they enjoyed putting together this bird feeder, and how much of a statement piece it becomes on a porch or back deck.

Our bird feeder is a wooden 3D puzzle kit. A DIY kit you assemble and use!

A mason jar with bird seed drops down the center to complete it. The wood comes natural and unfinished, and we encourage you to paint it or stain it however you like. We also recommend a clear coat of it’ll be in direct weather.

It's about 8.5"x8.5"x10”.

This kit comes with a few options:

The basic model comes with or without a full Quart sized Mason jar and bird feed, plus an eye hook to hang. Or you can add Lights too! Choose from Battery Powered (Waterproof) LED string lights to hang anywhere. We have a Solar kit you never have to worry about! Either way, you'll have a fun project to enjoy.

Birds will love the thoughtful design with plenty of room for them to rest and hold on around the 4-sided platform. The glass jar inside will protect the food from rain, while the smaller feeding holes will make it tougher for large predators to get to the seed. Although a general mix of seed, which is ideal for most songbirds, was used.. you should be able to work with your own special mix to attract your favorite birds! Finches and Sparrows would enjoy thistle while Cardinals would pick out sunflower seeds. You'll have so many options to pick from and learn about in your area!

The feeder goes together easily by punching out the laser cut pieces and assembling them in the right order. The pieces are numbered to make it as easy as possible, but still give you a pretty good sense of accomplishment afterward! No special glue or tools are needed to build it. Pieces will simply snap together, or use an interlock system to access the jar inside when it's time to get refilled.

As it comes, you can use the feeder outdoors under a protected area, such as a porch or large overhang. If it is to be left completely exposed to the elements, you might want to give it a sealing finish with spray paint or clear coat to protect the raw wood.

Download the photo instructions off our website. Look under "Support" for the .pdf

Customer Reviews

Based on 27 reviews
Robin Fries
Awesome Kit

I really like the prairie style. I am not going to use it outside because the Arizona weather is brutal on yard ornaments. I am going to use it as a centerpiece with battery lights inside and outside of the jar. I am going to use a little more stain on it. Your online directions were good. Thank you for a beautiful work of art.

Jennifer Grady
Beautiful, tricky to put together, but worth it.

I bought this for my engineer dad for Christmas this year, as fighting cancer and the pandemic kept him indoors and away from others. He died in March, and this was incomplete. I took it back so I could finish it in remembrance of him. I liked the photographic portions of the instructions I found on the website. They really helped me. My dad had assembled the roof and the inner square, so I figured that the outer walls would be simple. Nope. Eventually I found my way back here, to the other reviews, and saw the advice the details of the panel facing outward. Turns out my dad had assembled the inner pieces inside-out, as he typically never looks at instructions. I was hesitant to take the entire thing apart again- but knowing his (and my) perfectionism, I did. It took me about 30 minutes to get it reassembled completely. It's beautiful. It was a bit frustrating- especially with the outer panels- but worth it. It is so beautifully machined. Now I may need another one!

Joel Webb
Craftsman Style bird feeder slightly modified

I finally finished my Craftsman Prairie Style bird feeder from One Man + One Garage. This was a very nicely thought out kit and I was surprised at the quality and finish of the kit. I didn't want to trust the wood roof to the weather even though I applied 4 coats of Spar Varnish, so I re-purposed some very nicely patinated copper sheet to make a standing seam roof for the feeder. I filled the jar with sunflower seeds and hung if from the porch this afternoon so hopefully we will have hungry visitors soon!

Rick Reynolds
Great kit, but better instructions would make it even better

Thanks for the beautiful project! As others have said, there should be better instructions, and it could fit together more easily--especially the four outer windows, but otherwise it's great. Advice to newbies: Be sure to flip the inner and outer windows out, showing the details. And I recommend you glue down the 4 #3 rectangles. Have fun!

Goes together well

I made a couple of minor changes - I shortened 3 to make it fit better and added another nut and two washers to make the eye hook bolt more stable.

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